Wines of Sardinia DOC


Our wines are related to the most representative characters of the Sardinian culture who have been able to embody, through their works, the values of Sardinia in the most diverse sectors of their culture. From this idea was born the wines of the winery strongly linked to the territory of Momoida, but projected to tell the whole of Sardinia, its history, strength, and identity: authentic, genuine, and with great passion.


Autori del Vino


Each of our wines was born from the union of passion, tradition, and spirits of belongingness. A blend of history, identity, and culture that manages to create wines with the capability to express the characteristics of this land and its people who live in it. Not an easy territory, but filled with stories and vineyards, with great ancestral power and traditions rooted in the mists of time.

Mamoida is the land of masks, of Mamuthones and Issohadores, but it is also a place where wine has always represented its identity with Cannonau as the main vine of these lands.

It is here that our oenological adventure of winemaking began several years ago, and it is here that we want it to make it grow and mature, like any good wine that respects itself.


“Let’s drink!...
Young beautiful lady, go and invite!
With that grace of yours and with your ways,
fill this glass well to drown the evils of life.”
Antioco Casula – Montanaru


“Especially on the night of the moonlight these mysterious people animate the whole hills and valleys: no one has the right to disturb him with his presence, like how the spirits respected him during the period of the sun, it is, therefore, time to withdraw and close our eyes under the protection of the guardian angels.”
G.Deledda - Canne al vento


"When her warm and powerful voice rises and fills the space, infinite horizons open up that descend into history.
After meeting Maria Carta, I again affirm that the only great men of Sardinia are women."
Giuseppe Dessi


"One way or another we're all a little crazy.
Without a touch of madness accompanied by intellectual curiosity and poetry, life would be a trivial thing.
We toast to our inadequacies, to our ability to make mistakes, and above all to our inexhaustible need for self-delusion"
Costantino Nivola

Deledda Riserva

“Especially on the night of the moonlight these mysterious people animate the whole hills and valleys: no one has the right to disturb him with his presence, like how the spirits respected him during the period of the sun, it is, therefore, time to withdraw and close our eyes under the protection of the guardian angels.”
G.Deledda - Canne al vento
Autori del Vino


Here history is written through the small sapling vineyard set through the valley marked to the hands of the winemakers and in the small and lush bunches that hold the secrets of our wines. This terroir is the house of Cannonau, the wine that best represents the Sardinia winemaking and its territory Mamoiadino. Currently, our vineyards extend for about XX hectares, divided into several small plots, and bred sapling and Guyot. Massive temperature variations, low yields, south/south-west displays allow you to grow healthy and lush grapes.


Sardinia is an island at the centre of the Mediterranean, lands of men and women from the hard skin and impregnable, but with a generous and big heart. Land with a large landscape and fine sunsets. Homeland of poets, writers, artists, and singers. A mother who knows how to give so much to those who appreciate her contrasts. Where wine run in her veins, unites men, and makes them happier.

Autori del Vino S.r.l.

Via Giuseppe Prina 5 20154 Milan - Italy

331 2774903

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